
Un-becoming Carbon: traveling in intercellular space
The first migrants emerged on land from the oceans 3.7 billion years ago. Called Stromatolites,...

Grasping Permeability
A virtual reality installation that invites viewers to interact with images by grasping them with...

Becoming Biodiversity
Becoming Biodiversity is an augmented reality application that encourages participants to explore and experience...

Waiting on Breath of Leaves
Life-giving oxygen, passing through our human lips into our lungs, is exhaled from the lips of plants. This intimate...

Machine Garden
Plants, worms, and a robot make up this ecosystem artwork produced for the University of...

Where Rocks are Fed to Trees
A vast network of underground fungi run the largest mining operation on the planet. Scraping...

开显卡硬件加速和不开的区别_xiaojun11的专栏-CSDN博客:2021-11-18 · 图像处理-平滑和锐化 qq_41683065:博主图片全挂了 图像处理-平滑和锐化 tangreng0615:一个图片都不能正常显示 如何判断链表中存在环路 qq_41117236:让我写式子推我是不会,不过我是这么想的:一段时间t后p和q指针都处于环上,且这时二者相差k,那么就变成了p和q的距离为k的追及问题,那么在t+k的时间 ...

#WormSelfie Photo Booth
In preparation for a future that includes cohabitation with living, domestic ecosystems, I created this photo...

起点加速器 安卓
I acknowledge composting worms as important partners and proactive agents of domestic waste removal. I...

LIVE Feedings
启辰d60usb连不上手机_太平洋汽车网:2021-6-10 · 原因可能有:1.BIOS设置把USB禁用了,重新设置usb使用。2.USB接口和主板的连线断了,建议直接咨询经销商。 【太平洋汽车网】原因可能有:1.BIOS设置 ...

Worm Cozies
Worm Cozies are designed to help humans feel more comfortable hosting worms in their homes. Based on the...

Eating the Wave Particle Duality
Waste is food. A spectrum of waste materials can be digested by composting worms, who...

Encounters of a Domestic Nature
An interface for crickets and humans to enjoy each other. Domestic house crickets live in...

启点加速器:听说老板被请喝茶,伡为会停止服务,没想到现在 ...:2021-5-1 · 18年的时候,据说启点加速器老板被请去喝茶,可能会停止服务! 为此一些推荐过这个加速器的博客都发布此公告,告知大家不要继续购买这个加速器。 当时推荐按月购买的不会有太大损失,按年购买的可能会损失吧!

Machine for Living Interdependently
The plants, worms and bacteria living in this sculpture rely on each other and on...